MladiRini is looking for you! If you have an interesting essay, story, or other thematically relevant paper, we have an opportunity for you!
As a young person from the Western Balkans, you can provide a significant contribution to our ongoing initiative which covers the topics of democracy, rule of law, internet freedoms and the environment from your perspective. We encourage you to submit your work which will be featured on an up-and-coming platform called MladiRini, created by teams from all over the Western Balkans, full of advocates, youth enthusiasts, and the internet geeks. Our teams are working hard towards pushing the views of the Western Balkans youth towards decision-makers. Therefore, your views and opinions are of extremely high value to us. The MladiRini strives to become the most popular online platform for the youth across the region. It gives a voice to the Western Balkans youth and provides an opportunity for decision-makers to get acquainted with the issues you and your peers are facing each day.
If you would like to be featured on the platform and for your voice to be heard, send us your paper which should adhere to the following guidelines:
- Maximum word count: 900 words
- While there is no minimum word count limit, papers shorter than 300 words are not encouraged.
- Classified under the topics of:
- Democracy and rule of law
- Internet freedoms
- Environment
- Submissions should be written in one of the following languages – English, Albanian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, or Serbian.
- A participant may submit more than one blog contribution.
- Multi-author papers of up to two persons are also welcome, and they are also allowed to submit more than one blog post.
- Submissions should adhere to basic principles of academic integrity: honesty, fairness, and responsibility meaning that papers should not be plagiarised, and they should cite, or link used sources.
You can submit your papers on
- for SERBIA
- contact@epi.о for NORTH MACEDONIA
- for KOSOVO
no later than the 16th of July 2021.
with the following subject: Submission for MladiRini platform (your name).
More information and detailed guidelines regarding this open call can be found here. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out using the contact details from above.
Cannot wait to hear your takes on these topics. Happy writing!